Harrison Poultry Products
We aim to deliver on our golden goodness promise to provide a quality,
premium product customized to meet our customers' needs.
the golden chicken
We sell three product lines in stores today, available fresh or frozen: our original product, Golden Goodness, Pollo Eldorado, our Spanish product and Al Marwah, a halal product. We perform a soft scald on our chicken that is eight to ten degrees cooler than a typical scalding process - this maintains the yellow coloring and allows a little more fat between the skin and the meat, making a more flavorful chicken.
our customer service
Our sales and customer service team are passionate about our company, our chicken and our customers. They are well-versed in our products and would love to talk with you today about how Harrison Poultry can serve you! Contact our sales team to learn more!
Quality assurance certifications
NPIS Plant
GFSI Recognition via BRC Standards
CAT 1 Status
PHT Certified
Follows science-based guidelines for animal welfare issued by the National Chicken Council